About A Fashion Story

Personal Fashion stylist who helps busy moms gain back their confidence to look and feel their best every day.

Founded in 2019 by Stephanie Fransway, A Fashion Story was created to help serve women who are so busy with life and have been put on the back burner to look and feel their best every day.

Our mission here is to help women show up powerfully to conquer all their big dreams, goals, and passions. Because when women show up they show others the power of showing up how God created you.

At A Fashion Story, our focus is on helping you to create a Timeless Capsule Wardrobe so all your clothes can be mixed and matched to simplify your morning.

About Stephanie Fransway

A Fashion Story founder, Stephanie Fransway helps provide a pathway for women to get out of their comfy slump and into looking and feeling their best. She struggled after having her first child even after being committed to fashion since the young age of 8.

She is committed to helping and serving women to gain back their courage and confidence to do the hard things to create great habits. She knows when women show up and take charge of their lives, the world will change.

A closet full of clothes that you love can change how your day starts which means It simplifies your mornings. The real value is You will have a deeper understanding of who you are. Confidence comes from a small act of courage taken every day, Most women only use 20% of their closet 80% of the time. Having a deeper understanding of who you are is what you want, isn’t it?